Choose a quality or state of being from the list below and just hold it in your mind for a day, a week, or however long you would like. Then just observe and watch what flows into your life. Remember, you are not necessarily orchestrating the events of what that consciousness will bring, let the universe handle those details. You are simply holding the intention of the quality you've chosen. You could think of the experiences you have based on this exercise as much like taking a breath, sometimes the flow of energy may come in as an inhale and sometimes as an exhale. I will list some examples of experiences so that this concept is more readily understood. Sometimes, upon choosing a state of beingness you may bring forth an experience that will allow you to be whatever it is you have chosen. Some of those experiences may feel like challenges, but they can also be viewed as opportunities for your own self-growth.
I have remained on the light side when listing the samples below, since we hold every quality there is in the universe, you can choose from a whole lot more than what I have listed. Be aware of what you ask for is all I would may just get it.
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